


 In week 8, I am meeting my supervisor and show to him the hardware that I am going to use. I am using Ultrasonic sensor to detect the obstacle that I am going to put at the border of the whiteboard, Color Sensor to detect any ink residue, motor driver to control the DC motor.
    I also discuss with my supervisor how my project will look like and below is the sketch how my prototype will be.
Sketch of the project




 In this week, the workshop on methodology (Chapter 3), Preliminary Result (Chapter 4) and abstract writing are being held in Microsoft Teams channel. the purpose of this workshop is to guide us how to write it correctly in our report. 

    In this week also, I am going to complete my draft for my Chapter 3 and send the draft to my supervisor. In my Chapter 3, I am write about my hardware application, block diagram of my project and the flowchart for the whole project.


    This is my block diagram that i made about my project.

And this is my Flowchart for my whole project.




During this week, I am completing my Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 and submitted it to my supervisor. For chapter 3, there are still some part that still not complete because it required me to do more research about the hardware that I am going to use.
    The supervisor also ask to do early preparation for the Proposal Defense Day that will be held at Week 12. 



This week 11, a briefing about the defense day are given by the speaker at microsoft teams. The briefing is given is to make sure the students are ready to present the proposed project.
    The presentation slide are done with guide from my supervisor and I am doing my preparation by doing more research about my project.



 This week is for the Defense Day, during the Defense Day, I was assessed by Sir Tarmizi and Sir Yusof. All the question that being asked by them are answered by me with confidence. Here I attached the presentation slide during my Defense Day.


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