


   In this week, I have receive the comment from my supervisor regarding my chapter 3 and I need to do some correction from my report. During this week also, I have come out with my expected project prototype that I done by using Microsoft Words only. Here I attached my expected Prototype look.

    The automatic whiteboard cleaner consists of the duster itself, Arduino Nano attached at the top of the duster along with the motor driver and the battery, DC motor at the side of the duster, ultrasonic sensor at the front of the duster, colour sensor at the back of the duster and toggle switch. The DC motor are located at the side of the duster so that the duster can move vertically at the whiteboard and make it easier to clean faster. The ultrasonic sensor are located at the front of the duster to detect any obstacle when the duster are moving and the colour sensor at the back of the duster is used to detect an residue of the ink that the duster did not clean.

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