


 In this week, workshop for Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 are given through Microsoft Teams. In chapter 1, we need to know the problem why we want to do the project and the objective of this project. For chapter 2, this chapter cover the literature review from different sources regarding the development of automatic whiteboard cleaner. This chapter also will cover the invention of the other project, the technology and the latest industrial product and the component that being used to develop these automatic whiteboard cleaner. It also state the observation and results on their strengths and recommendations from the studies discussed in this chapter. Basically, the technology that have been stated in this chapter will be used as references and guidance to the project. The limitations of the journal also will be applied to fulfil the industry expectation.

    Doing a literature review very important before starting any new project. This is because by doing literature review it can somehow improve the design to a new idea and can know the procedure or the flow of the project from the findings. 

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